Health post: Dealing with Vertigo

Hey Friends!

Just wanting to put a post out there for anyone who deals with Vertigo, which is often times an inner ear problem that causes such extreme dizziness that it throws some people down onto the floor.  You see, I love finding all things natural when dealing with any kind of body issue and awhile back, I learned some things that may help people with this condition.

A dear friend of mine dealt with Vertigo on and off for a few years.  He went to the doctor and learned things that helped him temporarily.  One of which was the epley maneuver.  This helped for awhile and yet it kept coming back and then eventually nothing seemed to work.  He kept hearing from various friends and customers about alternative treatments and so he finally relented in desperation.  He, along with many others who advised him, now uses 3 things daily that have kept his vertigo under control ever since.  One is a Manganese Supplement and then also a Lipo Flavanoid and he takes one of each a day.  Then he also wears a magnetic bracelet called Power Balance by Performance Technology.  Click on these links to find them on Amazon.

I’m hoping this will help someone out there who struggles with this very difficult condition.

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    greta Welcome to my blog! I am Greta, the owner of Hair Naturally. We offer services and products that are healthy and non toxic. After years of studying this topic, I am grateful to have a place now to share with you what I’ve learned that I know will benefit you. Read more...