An update on this blog’s vision/mission

Hey there friends!

Just wanted to update you on exactly what Hair Naturally’s mission statement is and has been for over 5 years, so you would know why in the world you would want to spend your time coming into our salon or reading this blog.

First of all, our vision and goal is to be a ‘healthier alternative for beauty.’  Three counterparts to our mission statement is to, in all our services, products and advice, be 1) as green and clean as possible, 2) as effective as possible and 3) as affordable as possible.  Why?  Because one, we do not want any of our personal care to have toxic ingredients that effect us in areas such as cancer causing carcinogens, hormone disruptors, or allergens.  Two, just because something is free of toxins, that does not mean it will work well, so we constantly research and test all we use to be sure it works well, so is effective.  And three, we do not believe in great products needing to cost a ton of money.  Sure, there may be a great skin cream that costs $90 per ounce and so is gone in a month, but do you really want that small part of your personal care to cost you that much per month?,… especially when there are many products out there that work JUST AS WELL or better for less?

Lastly, I like to write pretty short blogs so that it’s quick and easy access information to help you, without spending tons of your time.

So, follow me and I will show you all I’ve learned from years of research on natural healthy beauty.

If there is any bit of information that is helpful to you or those you love, I’d like to give all glory to God, who is my Help in all I do.

And thank you so very much for taking the time to read.

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  • About The Writer

    greta Welcome to my blog! I am Greta, the owner of Hair Naturally. We offer services and products that are healthy and non toxic. After years of studying this topic, I am grateful to have a place now to share with you what I’ve learned that I know will benefit you. Read more...