A great Anti aging serum

I have been inspired recently by one of my customers to get on it and post! She texted me in the middle of a dermatologist appointment as they were encouraging her toward a vitamin C serum that costs $180! Whaaaat? Now, we all know that part of Hair Naturally’s vision as a salon is to share awesome pure products at an affordable price. She knows this very well so she was texting me for an answer right away before she spent her last dime on this ‘miracle’ help for her aging skin.

Yes, vitamin C serums are great AND I hadn’t posted about them yet and so this was a timely prompt for help for her as well as any other of my readers. I texted her back not to buy it as there are other great Vitamin C serums. Vitamin C serum is great alone. It has wonderful skin brightening properties and so with that can lighten acne scars and age spots. Who doesn’t want that? Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that fights free radicals which cause damage and further aging. Some vitamin C products go further and add other great anti-aging ingredients. One other thing I texted her is that you have to be careful about sun exposure when using vitamin C because it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun. I know she is an avid runner and this is a big deal because those spots are going to come right back, ESPECIALLY if you don’t watch it out there doing exercise in the sunshine. And so they were selling her a sunblock as well. Is that enough? Not always. You may also want to add running in early morning or dusk to avoid more sun and also wear a hat and sunglasses. But anyways, end of story, she didn’t buy the serum and is so is glad about that.

So, if are interested in finding a great anti aging, anti acne/scarring Vitamin C serum, please consider Eva’s vitamin C+ serum. Click on the link to buy it now from Amazon. MSM is added to this serum and is known to work well with Vitamin C to build new healthy tissue, while helping build collagen. Niacinamide is known to visibly reduce the appearance of enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, fines lines and dullness. So this also can have a great effect as far as Vitamin C serums go. And of course, you will find that the price is right… only $14.95 and with great reviews, a far cry from $180!

Remember too to check all products on a small portion of your skin before slathering them all over to check for any allergic reaction. Products mentioned in this post are a little stronger then your average night cream and it’s normal to have them tingle a bit when used, but should not cause any extreme irritation. So please stop using if you notice that kind of reaction.

Oh wait! Another tip… I used to buy another Vitamin C serum but started reading reviews that it came looking not great and was not effective. You see, Vitamin C serums can be sensitive and can go bad if not properly stored. So, as a precaution, once you receive your product, I recommend always storing your Vitamin C serum in a cool dark place. If you want to be really careful, make that your refrigerator

Thanks for reading. Have a beauty filled day!

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  • About The Writer

    greta Welcome to my blog! I am Greta, the owner of Hair Naturally. We offer services and products that are healthy and non toxic. After years of studying this topic, I am grateful to have a place now to share with you what I’ve learned that I know will benefit you. Read more...