Need help with frizzy, damaged hair?

 Anyone dealing with frizzy hair or split ends?  Do you desire shinier, healthier hair?  Well, I feel like I could do a whole series on what to do to help your hair become shinier and healthier.  But, today I’m going to just stick with one tip that will make a difference, so as not to have too long a post.  I also repeat this tip quite a bit in the salon and so I thought it wise to share here as well.  It all has to to with what you do after you have washed your hair, when it is wet and needs to be dried.

You see, many people do the same thing.  They wring a bit of the water out of their hair with their hands, step out of their shower, grab that towel and begin drying off their hair by rubbing the towel all over their head and hair.  As with many things that have to do with our health and beauty, this would be fine if you did it once in a while, but if every time you dry your hair, it starts with this, it definitely could be adding to the split ends, frizz and damage of your hair.  You see, if you look closely at any regular towel, you will see that there are a ton of little strings sticking up from it.  Unbeknownst to many, these little strings are fantastic at grabbing on and roughing up each one of your tiny hair’s cuticle layers (aka- the outer layer of each hair strand, where split ends start).  We rub back and forth and go against the grain of the hair as well, like a stylist does when they want to back comb or tease your hair for volume and yet, this causes knots and can also cause damage.

And so ideally, when you finish washing/conditioning your hair, you want to wring it out with your hands.  But after that, either let it be so it dries a bit (which is great for people with short thin hair as it will not drip all over the place) then, starting at the ends, gently comb it out.  But, if you have any length or amount of hair, it would be much better to use something much easier on your hair.  Because I am a frugal person myself, to benefit you, I suggest using an old t-shirt to dry your hair over using a towel.  It is self evident right off the bat that if you look closely at a t-shirt, it does not have those nubby little strings coming off of it that can tangle and over time, damage your hair.  I also suggest never going against the grain of the hair when drying it, so as to rough up that cuticle layer, but rather dry your hair with that t-shirt starting at the top of your head and going down, squeezing it, to get the access water out.

But, if you do not want to bother with a t-shirt hanging out to dry in your bathroom all the time and would prefer an excellent product at an affordable price that is far superior to a towel, then I would recommend the Aquis Original Towel Wrap for many reasons.  One, it will dry your hair much faster then any towel for two reasons- it is made of a special microfiber that absorbs water better and also it securely stays on your head while drying your hair.  Another benefit of it being on your head for a given time is that it keeps your hair off of your face, body and clothes while you are getting ready for your day.  This is beneficial if you are eating your breakfast, brushing your teeth, shaving, applying moisturizer, sunblock or makeup, or putting on clothes that you don’t want to get wet.  The microfiber is lightweight and much gentler on your hair then a towel is as well.  Of course it will not dry your hair completely like a blow dryer will and this brings me to my last point.  We all know that all heat tools, including blow dryers, can also be hard on your hair.  Yet, we know that blow dryers are very handy as many do not want to leave their house with wet hair and they are amazing at producing the fullness and style we want as well.  So, as a stylist I also often recommend not blow drying your hair for very long if possible, in other words- letting it dry out as much as possible before blow drying it.  And so, of course this Aquis product allows for much drying before the dreaded heat tool needs to do it’s work.  This product also comes in 8 colors to choose from and is on Amazon prime so that, if you belong, you won’t have to pay for your shipping.  This towel is easy to launder and dries quickly as well.

Hope this helps you on your road to healthier, softer and silkier hair.

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  • About The Writer

    greta Welcome to my blog! I am Greta, the owner of Hair Naturally. We offer services and products that are healthy and non toxic. After years of studying this topic, I am grateful to have a place now to share with you what I’ve learned that I know will benefit you. Read more...