Help for Your Scalp

Hello my friends!

I’m so excited to share lots of natural beauty tips and tricks to save you time and money on your road to health and beauty.

At our salon, our mission is to provide a ‘healthier alternative for beauty’, meaning products, services and advice to help you to conduct your personal care regimen in a healthy way. We look for products that are as green and clean as possible, as effective as possible and as low cost as possible. And since we cannot carry all the wonderful products there are out there in our brick and mortar, I thought I would write about them and show you where you can get them.

One thing I’ve come across through 25 years in the beauty industry is lots of skin, particularly scalp skin as I’m a hairstylist and have been up close and personal with thousands of heads- standing over top of these heads, washing them and then going meticulously through them with a fine tooth comb to section off hair for cutting, rolling and coloring. A hairstylist gets to see things that you yourself may never see on your own head. My associates and I have been able to alert clients to unusual looking things that turned out to be lice, eggs, ticks, dandruff, fungus, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, acne, moles, psoriasis, cysts and even cancer. Now obviously, as a stylist, I am able to recognize but not treat many of these conditions. When it is above my skill level, I advise my client to go to the dermatologist and this is where they get a thorough diagnosis and treatment. But, there are a few things in this list I can help with. I find myself sharing the same information with many customers, so I thought I would write it here for you all to read.

OK, as I’ve done research and tried different solutions, I’ll share some products I’ve used and found effective that are on Amazon (with whom I’m affiliated) for great prices.

One, for lice, there is Ladibugs One and Done Lice Treatment Kit.

Two, if you know you’re child’s friends are having a lice outbreak and you just want to prevent your child from getting it, use Rosemary Lice Preventative shampoo.

Three, for those with some forms of dandruff, fungus and even sometimes dermatitis, psoriasis or eczema, Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar has helped many and you can get a gallon at a great price on Amazon.  I realize a gallon is a lot to buy at once, but once you realize all it’s benefits, you may be happy to get a lot for such a great deal and refill your smaller bottle you may already have.  For the scalp, I recommend mixing it with water 1:1 in a spray bottle and applying it all over your dry scalp for ½ hour letting it sit before washing your hair and/or apply it as a conditioner after washing your hair, full strength or half, and leave on for a few minutes.

And lastly, my favorite for it’s effectiveness with any and all dandruff conditions and even is paraben and aluminum free, is Head and Shoulders Shampoo and Conditioner in One.   Be sure to apply at the beginning of your shower and leave on while you soap up the rest of your body so that it can stay on for a bit and then rinse at the end of your shower.

Hoping for you and yours to have a healthy scalp!

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  • About The Writer

    greta Welcome to my blog! I am Greta, the owner of Hair Naturally. We offer services and products that are healthy and non toxic. After years of studying this topic, I am grateful to have a place now to share with you what I’ve learned that I know will benefit you. Read more...