Cook safer- alternatives to traditional nonstick pans

So I love my eggs in the morning to start my day off with protein. And I’ve been using the same nonstick frying pan for years. I know… non stick- not necessarily healthy. And yet, I couldn’t get myself to buy another when I didn’t really need one until it was so old it was not really non stick anymore. So at Christmastime, I was shopping for others and came across a pan that was a healthy non stick pan for a pretty good deal. And I love it! It is made by Ecolution and they use a non stick process that is healthier.

Here is a link to one very similar to the one I got. I think the one I got is discontinued. They also have copper option here.

Here’s to another way to eat healthy!

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    greta Welcome to my blog! I am Greta, the owner of Hair Naturally. We offer services and products that are healthy and non toxic. After years of studying this topic, I am grateful to have a place now to share with you what I’ve learned that I know will benefit you. Read more...