
As a lover of God and a salon owner, I’m faced with the topic of beauty, and all it’s implications, quite often. I truly believe it is God who has blessed and sustained me in this industry for many years and uses it for His glory in wonderful ways. And yet, at times, though I enjoy what I do, I am also a very practical person. So at times I think to myself about how beauty is really a non necessity. Especially as we as a salon get more and more education on exactly how to create more beauty through many fun techniques in working with hair, makeup and skin care,… it’s like we are getting deeper into aspects of how to create beauty. Since I have chosen the more natural approach at the salon, providing less toxic, healthier products and services, I realize that beauty is often intertwined greatly with the health of the hair and skin. Health is a priority in my life and so this feels right, but at times I still struggle with the aspect of beauty and how it seems a non necessity if you really get down to it… do we need it? But then, some thoughts, and in particular, a question came to mind. What if God, while He was creating the earth, thought the thought I had, that beauty is a non necessity? What if He thought that everything should only be for practicality? With this, my entire perspective began to change. Let’s take food alone. What if He thought that food was simply only for sustaining life and health and that people should methodically take it in several times daily to ensure these things. He could have chosen to make all food orange let’s say and all water blue, or no color at all. And yet, He decided to use beauty in making food of all types of colors, shapes, sizes and textures for us to enjoy. I mean just think about the massive amount of different kinds of food from berries to peppers to kale to oranges to potatoes and on and on. Take anything He created and you’ll see that He very decidedly chose beauty as well as variety. Take flowers, trees, animals, even people and you’ll see that yes, He could have decided to make everything practical, just all in browns say with the same shape and said to us to just eat, drink and move around for health and sustaining of life, but instead He decided to throw color, texture, size and shape into everything created. We are made in His image and so of course we will enjoy creating beauty as well through many means such as music, drawing, dance and yes, even hair, skin and style. And so I will continue to use this mind and these hands to create beauty in more and more ways, using the potential in me, and in this I will follow His lead, with His help, and get to experience a portion of the joy He experiences in creating beauty for our pleasure.

P.S. I often feel most safe trying new things on myself first, so don’t be worried if I look a little different, just be happy I’m working the quirks out on me instead of you.

Love from a stylist

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  • About The Writer

    greta Welcome to my blog! I am Greta, the owner of Hair Naturally. We offer services and products that are healthy and non toxic. After years of studying this topic, I am grateful to have a place now to share with you what I’ve learned that I know will benefit you. Read more...