A simple fix for a back ache

Hello Again!

Sometimes the answer is there right under our nose (or our back) and we just can’t seem to find it.  I like to share even little things I learn about natural health and beauty as they may help someone out there, which makes me happy.

So just last summer, it seemed all of the sudden that I began having a lower back ache.  I could not imagine what could be happening.  I went down many roads for about a month trying to figure out what I could have changed that brought this on.  Was it something about my work, the way I walk, my hormones or menstrual cycle?  Should I get a massage, take a supplement or go to the chiropractor?  Well, I prayed about it and decided to go to my favorite body workers I’ve mentioned before at Ohana Bodywork in Templeton, Ca.  We got to talking about it and thought of an idea, I tried it and all the lower back pain is gone.  It was that my bed had worn out a bit and had a dip in it right where I sleep and because my body was wrestling all night to lay flat and properly as it needed that suppport, it caused lower back pain.  The solution could have been that I needed to purchase another bed or even sleep on the floor as this would have been more proper support as it is a stable flat surface.  But, thanks to God, since my bed is a queen size, all I had to do was sleep on the other side.  One, I could not flip it as many can, because it’s a pillow top only on one side and it doesn’t work to flip it and two, yes I could spin it but that wasn’t working anymore either.

And so, I want to share this as there may be people out there that a simple bed flip, spin or changing of sides to sleep on could resolve issues of pain you are having.

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eighteen − three =

  • About The Writer

    greta Welcome to my blog! I am Greta, the owner of Hair Naturally. We offer services and products that are healthy and non toxic. After years of studying this topic, I am grateful to have a place now to share with you what I’ve learned that I know will benefit you. Read more...